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Political Campaign

Indian State Elections

Veronica Welch

By leveraging data-driven targeting and massive spread and real time optimization, we not only achieved impressive engagement rates to ensure awareness to the pressing matters in India, but also contributed to the democratic process by encouraging voter participation in both states the voting percentage passed the 71%.

Indian State Elections

Campaign Goal: Reach the voters audience in states A and B aiming to engage and inform them, on public scandals which the opposition is responsible for while encouraging them to participate in the democratic process.

Duration: 40 days

Budget: $280,000

Location: India

Creative Types: Display ads, In-App & Mobile Web. Push Notification Ads

Age Range: 18+

Interest: Voter Audience, mainly of opposition

Devices: Mobile 94%, Tablet 4%, Desktop 2%

OS: Android 93%, iPhone 5%, Other 3%

Impressions: +386m
Clicks: +2.5m
CTR: 0.67%
eCPM: $0.54
eCPC: $0.08

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